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- 15 Workouts With One Kettlebell
15 Workouts With One Kettlebell
LF Newsletter #129

Hey there - it’s Don.
Happy Friday!
I used to be a gym rat.
And as I was doing my gym rat thing, I remember looking with raised eye-brows at these funky looking cannonballs with handles in the corner of the gym.
A kettlebell? What’s that?
Why does it kind of look like Joe Rogan wearing headphones?
Do kettlebells actually work?
Since I never really saw anyone using them, I shrugged my shoulders and went back to “real gym lifts”.
I wish I could have put my arm around that younger gym rat and shown him the kettlebell ropes.
The kettlebell has saved me hours each week, and has helped me get lean and strong with boosted energy.
Today’s article is one of those ropes.
Let’s jump in!
🔎 Inside
15 workouts with one kettlebell
Kettlebell hand care 101
Remember the body: the pastor and his exercise, here’s what happens when you stop drinking alcohol for 30 days, and more…
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💪 Deep Dive
Click here to read this on the Layman’s Fitness website
Endless Kettlebell Workouts
In 2021 I picked up my first kettlebell and I have not gone back.
To me, the kettlebell combines the:
Simplicity of bodyweight training…
Power movements of barbell training…
Versatility of dumbbell training…
Intensity of cardio training…
All in one iron cannonball that can fit under your bed.
And the movement combinations are endless.
Here’s the kettlebell math.
Let’s say you have one 35 pound kettlebell.
There are 50+ different movements you can pick from (which is a conservative estimate).
And to exercise in 20 minutes, let’s say you pick 3 of those 50 kettlebell movements.
Remember combinations from that statistics course you took that one time?
If you pick 3 movements out of a possible 50, how many different workouts can be done?
From one kettlebell.
Then add in double kettlebell training as another variable…
Or mix in some bodyweight movements…
Or do 4 movements instead of 3…
And that number just continues to grow.
The only limits to kettlebell training are your skill and creativity.
Here is just a sampling of the countless kettlebell workouts that can be done.
15 Workouts With One Kettlebell
These workouts range from 10-20 minutes, organized by skill level.
And all you need is one kettlebell.
Size recommendations:
Totally new to exercise: 12kg (26 pounds)
New to kettlebells: 16kg (35 pounds)
Not new to kettlebells: 20kg (44 pounds)
Advanced with kettlebells: 24kg+ (53+ pounds)
Workout #1
Go for a Farmer’s Walk for 10-20 minutes with a kettlebell. Alternate sides when your arm gets tired
Workout #2
12 minutes. Every round is 1 minute.
3 halo’s
That’s one round.
Workout #3
10 swings every minute for 6 minutes
3 sets of 30 second halo’s
3 sets of 30 second marches (both arms)
3 sets of 5-8 standing kettlebell curls
Workout #4
15 minutes. Every round is 90 seconds.
3 kettlebell goblet cleans
5 kettlebell goblet presses
That’s one round.
3 sets of 30 second around the world’s
Workout #5
10 swings every minute for 8 minutes
3 sets of 5-8 goblet presses
3 sets of 30 second alternating around the world’s
Workout #6
5 swings and 3 goblet squats every minute for 10 minutes
6 sets of 5-8 offset kettlebell push-ups (each side)
Workout #7
10 alternating one hand swings every minute for 10 minutes
6 sets of 30 second walking racked lunges
Workout #8
8 sets of 3-5 presses (alternate sides every set)
4 sets of 5-8 kneeling kettlebell curls
4 sets of 30 second plank pull throughs
Workout #9
12 rounds. Each round is one minute
1 one-hand swing, 1 clean, 1 racked lunge, 1 press, 1 windmill.
Alternate sides. That’s one round.
Workout #10
10 rounds. Each round is 2 minutes.
5 cleans (each side)
5 high pulls (each side)
5 front squats (each side)
Workout #11
10 swings every minute for 10 minutes
1 Turkish get-up on each side every minute for 10 minutes
Workout #12
3-5 thrusters (each side) every minute for 12 minutes
3 sets of 60 second kneeling around the worlds
Workout #13
3 sets of double get-ups. Do one double get-up every 2-minutes.
4 sets, 30 seconds, of overhead kettlebell carries. Alternate sides every set.
Workout #14
3-5 overhead kettlebell squats (each side) every minute for 10 minutes
3-5 kettlebell jerks (each side) every minute for 5 minutes
Workout #15
100 snatches. Do 5 on each side every minute for 10 minutes
3 sets of 5-8 pistol squats (each side)
➡️ The Takeaway
There are endless combinations of kettlebell workouts.
The only limits are your skill and creativity.
And all you need is one kettlebell to get started.
This is a versatile tool that you can use to steward the body God has given you.
🔎 Finds
Here are some of my favorite finds/resources this week.
Top find
Kettlebell hand care 101 (more)
Kettlebell training will create big ole’ callouses on your hands.
And those callouses, while cool at first, will eventually rip if you don’t shave them down.
This article is the most comprehensive one I’ve found on hand care when training with KB’s.
For me, about 2-3x/week I’ll rub my callouses down for 30-60 seconds with a pumice stone.
And this is the best hand tear repair (no affiliate link)
Other finds
👍 Thanks for reading!
Whenever you’re ready, here are some ways I might be able to help:
The Home Gym Equipment List - here are 5 pieces of equipment I recommend for the home gym (after spending $1,000+ on equipment)
30 Day Weight Loss - Here’s a step-by-step guide on losing 5-10+ pounds in the next 30 days
KB Strength System - online coaching to help you get stronger and leaner with more energy to do the things you’re called to do
I’ll see you next week.
Be strong,
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